This is a really easy and tasty low carb meal. You could also use cooked normal rice if cauliflower rice isn’t your thing.

Low carb meals do sometimes help to reduce cravings, they keep blood sugar levels from spiking too much which prevents the sugar low that you get after more carb rich foods. Having said that, many people I have worked with find it too hard to stay on a very strict low carb diet indefinitely, so I recommend you trust what your body wants. If pasta, bread, potatoes, etc., are comforting and satisfying without making you feel unwell, then enjoy them.

Cauliflower rice – to make this yourself, place the florets in a food processor and pulse until the they look like breadcrumbs. This can be frozen if you make too much. Alternatively, you can buy them in the freezer section of a supermarket.

Red and yellow Pepper
Frozen peas
Coconut oil
Soy sauce
A pinch of sugar (optional)
Salt may or may not be necessary depending on how much soy sauce you use. I didn’t add any in the end and it was delicious.

The amount of each ingredient you use is up to you. Just make sure your pan is big enough if you are cooking for a few people. If you have more than you need it can be reheat (or not) for another meal. This is something that would work well if you need to take lunch to work.

Vegan – leave out the egg and add some chickpeas or cashew nuts.

Meat eater – add chicken breast. Cut it into thin strips and cook it first, set aside and add back into the stir fry when you add the soy sauce.

Tip – I sometimes add a drizzle of walnut oil to the stir fry once it is on my plate. Walnut oil has a mild flavor and is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids.

Please let me know if you try this and how you got on with it.